Instant Coffee: Benefit or Harm?

History of Instant Coffee

Instant coffee emerged just over 100 years ago. It was invented by a Japanese man named Sartori Kato.

The Second Coffee Wave

The arrival of instant coffee marked the beginning of the so-called second coffee wave: "quick caffeine as a source of alertness." At that time, people were less concerned with the taste and quality of the drink and more focused on the speed of preparation and caffeine content.

Current Trends

Nowadays, trends are shifting towards quality and a philosophical approach to coffee consumption. Nevertheless, instant coffee remains popular and firmly occupies its niche.

Types of Instant Coffee

There are three types of instant coffee: freeze-dried, agglomerated, and powdered. In our article on quality coffee, we've already mentioned that the most harmless and quality instant coffee is agglomerated (or granulated). It is the most technologically advanced and often free of impurities and preservatives.

The Harm of Instant Coffee

The primary harm of instant coffee lies in its high caffeine content. It's a quick source of alertness, as it is easier to pour a spoonful of granules with boiling water than to grind and brew natural beans.

Powdered and freeze-dried products often have added flavorings, colorings, preservatives, and other non-beneficial compounds, which is why the benefits of instant coffee are highly questionable.

Doctors' Opinions

Cardiologists and gastroenterologists advise against consuming freeze-dried coffee. It adversely affects the stomach, increases acidity, and should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Following consumption, it is recommended to drink a glass of pure water to restore the hydro balance. Often, instant coffee causes allergic reactions due to the presence of grain and nut impurities.

Is It Beneficial to Drink Instant Coffee?

At Buno, we believe there is little benefit to it. The only apparent benefit is saving time, but it does not compare to the drawbacks of this drink.

A Different Approach to Coffee

Agree, it's more pleasant to take more time for yourself and your ritual. Getting up earlier in the morning, grinding fresh beans, taking pure water, and brewing a cup of aromatic espresso or filter coffee provides not only a boost of energy but also an opportunity to unwind and reset. Making coffee is a meditative and sacred process.

Decaffeinated Coffee

If you want to take a break from instant coffee, check out our decaffeinated coffee from Colombia. It and other unique varieties await you in our online store at Ordering online wholesale and retail has never been so easy and enjoyable. Allow yourself to drink the right coffee, now that it's accessible to everyone.